Muse Your Imagination

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Writing Prompt - Fiction

Welcome to today's writing prompt!

Whether you're a writer of nonfiction or fiction, your creativity is critical to completing your project. Your words must paint pictures - in brilliant living colors - so that your reader experiences your message. Yes, even technical writers need to be "verbiage artists" in order to describe how a widget works.

So muse your inner Picasso or Monet today. Spend five minutes - that's all, just five minutes - writing a story using the three words at the end of this message. Use all three in the very first sentence and then go for it!

Don't stop to think. Don't edit as you write. Don't change your story mid-thought. JUST WRITE WHATEVER COMES TO MIND. Use your inner child's imagination. Be completely free-flowing and have fun with it. Ready?



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