Muse Your Imagination

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Writing Prompt - Fiction

So how did you fare with your journaling assignment?

I'm curious, which assignment inspired you more? Personally, I love to do both types of thinking - introspective and creative flights of fancy. Right now I'm working on a novel as well as an e-book. They're both very different in content but require the same amount of creative thinking - and planning. The act of writing is, for me, a creative brain dump. I have so much going on in my head that I have to "put it on paper" in order to sort it out. If you're like me, your paper is your computer most of the time. But I also carry a notebook with me for those moments of inspiration.

As a writer, you too probably have more ideas than you have time to figure out what to do with them. That's a great thing! But it can also keep you from being focused and will send you into the black hole of writer's block. It's not that you can't write, you just don't know WHAT to write so you don't write at all. Then your mind starts beating you up and suddenly you wonder how you could have believed you had the ability to write in the first place! That's how it works with me.

That's why MuseFlash! was created - to keep you thinking, planning and on-track. So here's today's writing prompt. Remember, use the three words in the first sentence and write for five minutes. Don't edit. Don't think about sentence structure. Don't rewrite. Just do a creative brain dump! Ready?


PS - For tomorrow I have somthing a bit different planned!Stay tuned...


  • There was a cricket near a red glistening tulip when the panther walked by. The cricket wisely waited until the panter passed by to chirp its news of rain. The tulip meanwhile simply responded to the gentle breezes,swaying softly.
    The panther,long gone was sleek and black with muscles coiled, instantly ready to pounce. Such power beneath skin, fur, teeth and ever watchful eyes. As I watched from my window high above through the new binoculars I wondered if the cricket knew of the panther.If the tulip knew or cared that a panther passed by. Did the panther see the tulips beauty? Did it care one way or another if the tulip existed or was that soley for my pleasure? A cricket, a tulip and a panther on a sunny Sunday morning, such a day.

    By Blogger Life Coach Luanna, at 9:02 AM  

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